31 August 2011

Introducing time out sessions - Yosemite National park STUNNING !!!

I thought it would be a good idea to introduce some time out sessions. This will be really high quality stunning footage you kust gotta watch.

However the rules are:

1) Take a time out
2) Sit back where ever you are and put on your chilling frame of mind
3) Switch off to the world and get lost in the footage 
4) Appreciate the videography, sights & sounds & class of artist

Easy !!

Here is a stunning clip of a photographer called Jimmy Chin doing a piece on climbing in Yosemite for National graphic ... You know this is top notch and out of this world ...

Enjoy, Ali !!!

29 August 2011

And then some days !!!!

Yes Yes I know mountains and all that ... I must be honest I got completely side swiped the other day watching 'Surf'sUp' a childrens movie about a surfing penguine with my oldest boy and man did the nostalgia hit hard. My mind running back to Cape Town especially long beach ... Dawn patrols with that African sun peaking over the horizon with a gazillion spectacular colours and feeling the warmth hit you !!! You close your eyes and just lie on your board, sea sun, waves. In moments like that you want to just stay there forever. One of my friends in Florida put up on face book a couple of weeks ago that he was taking his son out on his first dawn patrol ... What an awesome experience dad and son ... first dawn patrol. I cant wait til my boys are up for it !!!

Enjoy !!! Ali

15 August 2011

No Nonsense Everest footage from Kenton Cool

HI Al. Here is some no nonsense footage of Kenton Up everest. This is not hyped up stuff just bare bones and really great stuff. Makes you appreciate what this kind of thing is all about.

Enjoy ... Ali

7 August 2011

World Championship Bouldering Vail Colorado 2011

For all of you aspiring climbers and boulderers, dont worry this is easy !!!!! NOT.
This is some awesome climbing.


1 August 2011

Been some time !!!

Well been some time since I last posted. This is one of those work behind the scenes times.
Much to be revealed soon. The web site is just about done, and some news about H7 sponsoring the Revolution climbing team with Sam Johnson at the helm.

Dont forget 95% grit 5% Glory !!!

Oh also finally got a decent camera so will be taking even more pic's for the web site.

Keep yall posted !!